Entity Type

美 [ˈentəti taɪp]英 [ˈentəti taɪp]
  • 网络实体类型
Entity TypeEntity Type
  1. Our company is a comprehensive entity type that gathers to develop , produce , conduct for the integral whole business enterprise .


  2. The relationship is not connected because one end of it is not an entity type .


  3. In the entity type list , click e-mail , and then click new .


  4. You can then associate the template with the entity type .


  5. The coding of forest resource information included entity type code , entity code and entity attributes code .


  6. The default value for entity type group is objectclass groupOfNames .


  7. Find the tab labelled Dimensional and select the Change the dimensional entity type checkbox .


  8. The model states whether a given role , for example administrative staff , may see a given entity type , for example social security number , phone number , or address .


  9. I also added a custom taxonomy for the WSDL entity type category system so that the WSDL entity type can be chosen from the category tree view .


  10. Educate form type of thought mode but the needs the substance type thought mode , familiar procedure type of thought mode but look after both sides the entity type of thought mode ;


  11. Faster Lucene queries on indexes containing a single entity type and reduction of I / O consumption on Lucene by reading only the necessary fields of a document ( when possible ) .


  12. Proper material features and entity unit type were used for intellectual finite element mesh division .


  13. You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity , then type the entity throughout your content .


  14. However , the difference is the legal entity under statutory type is able to carry on supervision more often and to a deeper extent for structural reasons .


  15. Entities include customer entity , customer type entity and reminding information , remarking information , cooperating information , communication information between the company and the client .


  16. EMA ( Ericsson Multi Activation ) provides an implementation of the CPE ( Central Provisioning Entity ) system type , as defined by Ericsson Service Network Framework .


  17. Returns the element , entity reference , document type , or document containing the comment .


  18. A pointer type describes an object whose value provides a reference to an entity of the referenced type .


  19. This task is usually formulated as a classification problem , through training proper classifiers to mark each entity 's border and type .


  20. Because field_item_link isn 't a recognized data type or entity , the data type defaults to struct when it is processed .


  21. The tickets ( TGT and TGS ) are issued by the KDC in the encryption type requested by the client ( governed by the krb5.conf file ), provided the respective service entity supports this encryption type .
